The book "Evolution of Naval Radio-Electronics and Contributions of the Naval Research Laboratory" says:
"After World War 2, NRL continued to provide technical consulting support to the Bureau of Aeronautics for advancing radar capability. The wartime activities of the Radiation laboratory had then been terminated. Toward the end of the war, it had been planned to combine the best features of the AN/APS-4 and AN/APS-6 radars to provide both a search and an intercept capability in one equipment for night fighting. Subsequently, this radar, designated the AN-APS-19 (X-band) was developed in a size small enough to fit into the type F8F aircraft then given acceptance as a first-line fighter (1946). The radar's scope presentation had several selectable scans, which gave it greater flexibility and coverage for both search and gun-aiming functions than had previously been available. However, it was still necessary to steer the plane manually to align the fixed guns with the target. Automatic gun-laying was first achieved with the X-band Model AN/APQ-35 radar, used in the type F3D-1 aircraft with 20-mm guns (1946)..."
Many thanks to my friend
Ludwell Sibley for providing
the above information.
From what I understand, this
unit is new, is was never used.
Thanks John.
X-Band Search & Intercept Radar;
Manufactured by Sperry
Used in AD-4N/5/6, F2H-2N, F4U-5N, F7F-4N, F8F-1N aircraft.
This is my friend Jim Oram checking out the
new addition to my collection.
This photo also gives some size comparision.
Please sign my guest book.
These are some of the planes the AN/APS-19 was used in.

The below is from a guestbook entry. It's really interesting to hear from someone
who actually used the APS-19
Very interesting. I used the APS 19 in both the F4U 5N & the F2H 2N. Compared to later intercept radars it was pretty primitive, but it was a good radar. It probable saved me from a night bail out of a Corsair in 1952 because of it's ability to pick up & home in on ground radar beacons. I was in the middle of a nest of large thunderstorms one night in central Georgia and couldn't use any of my normal navigation aids. Frankly I had no idea where I was except somewhere in the southeastern part of the USA. The ground people couldn't pick me up on radar, and all my instruments were going crazy. The only piece of equipment that was usable was my APS 19, and it finally picked up a radar beacon located on the South Carolina coast. I identified the location & headed straight for it, and I finally got out of the thunderstorms so I could continue on with the normal old fashioned A's & N;s airways. I was headed for Atlantic City at the time, and had planned to go nonstop, but with my time in the thunderstorms, and total disorientation, I had to stop in Patuxent River Naval Station & refuel prior to proceeding to Atlantic City.
Cody Sherar

This is a display I put together for the March
2010 Charlotte Antique Radio Conference.
I donated the radar unit to the Carolinas Aviation Museum,
here is the AN-APS-19 on display there.
You can click on the foto to visit the museum which is located
next to the Charlotte Intentional Airport.