Citizen Band Radio Collection
11 meter, CB, or as the hams call it "Chicken Band" even though most hams started
out as CBers and a lot still operate there.
This page was last updated: March 29, 2013
Johnson Messenger 123A
This was my first mobile radio in my first car a 1956 Chevy Belair.
Cobra Cam 88
A Cam 88 like this was my first base station radio.
I got it for Xmas when I was a Junior in high school.
This is not the same radio.
USL Radio Phone
This is a early 5 channel transmit, tunable receive
with the push to talk button mounted on the front panel.
Note, it's a Superhetrodyne.
General Radiophone MC-5
A really well built set, very heavy. Note that the transmit and receive crystals are set separately.
Courier mobile
I don't know the model number of this radio..
Royce 40 ch. SSB/AM mobile
This radio was given to me by an old guy in Charlotte, he said it was dead and maybe I cold use it for parts.
All that was wrong was the protection diode was shot,
someone likely tried to hook up 12 volts backwards.
Installed a new diode and it worked great.
Motorola MOCAT
I just got this one a year or so ago, I remember when
they first came out, I thought it was a really cool looking radio.
Johnson Messenger 1 "Whiteface"
A Whiteface like this one was the first real CB radio I ever saw. It belonged to my surgate grandfather. He had one in their living room next to his chair and one in his 1960 Cadillac Sedan deville.
Johnson also made a 10 meter version of this radio.
HeathKit CB-1
Had a single crystal socket, on the chassis inside the cabinet. A lot of them, like this one were modified to have a crystal socket on the front panel.
HeathKit Lunchbox series radios
Besides the CB-1 HeathKit made amateur (Ham)
radios. Here are the other models,
one for the 2 meter band was called a 2er.
for the 6 meter band was a 6er
the 10er was for the 10 meter band.
These are all AM and they all work, several of us used to get on 2 meter AM, or 6 meter AM, it was fun.
The equipment below the Lunchboxes are pieces of my
Clough-Brengle test equipment collection.
If you'll "click" on the photo it's take you to
my Clough-Brengle web page.

Some of the CB collection is on the top shelf on this wall in my office/hamshack.
The second shelf down holds my Golden Eagle Kark IV. Sitting on top of the Eagle you'll see a dark red wooden number that says 9111.
It was one of my sideband calls, it was issued by the Southeastern club the full numbers were SE-9111, one of my best friends back then, Ronnie Whilden who made me the numbers in his woodworking shop.
On the next shelf down is my Sonar FS-3023,
Clegg 22er FM, a tube type 2 meter FM rig.
The Yellow boxes are Gonset Communicator IIIs,
one 2 meter and one 6 meter.
Next to the right is a Hammarlund BC-779A VLF receiver, covered 100zhx - 22 mhz.
And you can just see the left edge of a Hammarlund
HQ-129X with the Hammarlund speaker on top.
If you'd like to know a little more about my early history
with CB radios, how I got started in the hobby that lead
to the rest og my life, "click" on the gray button below.

International Crystal Co. "Executive"
A fairly early set, about 1960. Has 3 transmit channels,
2 receive crystal positions plus tunable receive.
Sonar FS-3023
Plate Modulated AM, back in the late 60s if you had
a Sonar you were really enyved by everyone, the only
thing better was a Tram or a Golden Eagle.
Browning Golden Eagle Mark 4
This is one of those dream CBs, seperate transmitter and receiver, with matching desk mic.
Realistic TRC-459 AM/SSB
Microprossor controlled AM and Single Sidband
base station. You can program memory channels, scan for busy or open channels. With matching desk mic.
I also have another 459 in the original box and a factory service manual for it.
Courier 1M with matching Linear Amplifier
This is the newest addition to my Vintage CB Collection
It's a 12 channel base/mobile.
To see more about this setup "click" here to go to it's web page
Golden Eagle Mk-2
with original ElectroVoice microphone
Courier 23
with original chrome cabinet