2012 Photo Tour of
Radio Heaven
Below are photos showing my newly rebuilt display room following the fire in my little workshop in October of 2011. There was extensive smoke damage
to the collection. Each item you see was matchlessly cleaned and packed away, then the room was stripped down to the bare walls which were cleaned and primed before repainting as was the popcorn ceiling. Then new carpet and all new shelves were installed. Then it took several weeks just to get everything unpacked and back in place.
The room layout is different from before, where my Atwater Kent collection
was on the center wall behind the couch, now my Leutz model L and everything that goes with it are in the center highlight position. I'd wanted to be able to set up the Leutz L spread out so it could be seen as it was intended.
The AK collection is now all together on the wall to the left behind the display case, this works out good since it's easy to show the progression of AK models through the years from 1921-1936 their final year.
More photos will be added to the photo tour as I have time.
Please sign my GuestBook and tell me what you think of my "new" display room.
My Leutz model L in the center position behind the couch, finally setup stretched out
end to end, the big Radiola loop antenna above it along with the Western Electric 7A
amp and the D-10 horn, plus photos books original advertisements and the awards
it has won, from AWA Rochester 1998 it won "Peoples choice Best of Contest"
and the Houck Super-Het display award. In 1999 at the Charlotte Antique Radio
Conference it won first place in it's category, "Best Display"
and the "Lew Elias Best of Show" award.
The Atwater Kent collection is now on this wall all together on shelves showing
the progression of AK models from 1921 - 1936 when they closed the doors.
On the top shelf are AK horn speaker models M, L, G, H & R plus 3 versions of the model
E cone speaker and E2 and E3 cones.
Please sign my Guest Book.
This page was last updated: April 2, 2012
If you see a RED star like this one next to an item in the collection, you can "click" on the star and you'll be taken to a page with details about that item
Your first view through the doorway into
my Radio Heaven display room.
Wall mounted display case for some of my tube collection, on your left just after you enter the room.
1923 Radiola 4 sitting on top
of a big 1946 Zenith Radio Phonograph.
Many thanks go to Luis Albiza and his entire crew with Alcorp Restoration
& Construction for the incredible work and effort they put into helping
give me back my Dream Display Room even better than it was before.
And especially to Nationwide Insurance Co. who carries our homeowners
insurance. They told the restoration company to "make it right",
and they sure did.